Wednesday, January 17, 2018

RGB Basic Color Wheel

From time to time I find that I need the specific RGB - red, green, blue - codes for colors. This is useful in graphic design, presentations, and any situation where color coordination is needed.

The colors are ordered Red, Green, Blue.

From the top (clockwise)

  • Red - 255, 0, 0
  • Orange - 255, 127, 0
  • Yellow - 255, 255, 0
  • Green Yellow - 127, 255, 0
  • Green - 0, 255, 0
  • Green Cyan - 0, 255, 127
  • Cyan - 0, 255, 255
  • Blue Cyan - 0, 127, 255
  • Blue - 0, 0, 255
  • Blue Magenta - 127, 0, 255
  • Magenta - 255, 0, 255
  • Red Magenta - 255, 0, 127

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