Saturday, July 2, 2016

June Update

Blog Posts

Jim Rohn's 12 Pillars of Success
This post contains a brief biographical sketch of Jim Rohn and his 12 pillars of success, based on my notes from a webinar.

Can you be a successful writer and work full-time?
Anthony Trollope was a novelist during the Victorian era. He worked full-time for the British post office and wrote prolifically.

Poetic Form - Interlocking Rubaiyat
A centuries-old poetic form, the interlocking rubaiyat is a fairly straightforward form used by Robert Frost and others.

Eighth Grade Bios
A collection of eighth bios of students who matured into successful adults.

Jim Rohn on Journaling
The introduction Jim Rohn included in his journal.

Notes on Thinker Toys
This post contains my notes from 2009 on the book Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative Thinking Techniques by Michael Michalko.

Questions to ask
Two lists of questions are included in this post. The first is a list of biographical questions when pulling out family history or conducting an interview for historical purposes. The second list is a series of questions to ask when networking with others.

Writing for your life - book review and notes
This post includes a summary of Writing for Your Life: A guide and companion to the inner worlds by Deena Metzger. My notes from when I read the book are also included in the post.

Writing 365

I am happy to report I have passed the 75% mark of 273,750 words! Of course, my true goal is to write at least 1,000 words per day for 365 days, result in 365,000 words. Half-way through the year, I believe I can safely say that I will exceed this total number of words. My average is around 1,500 words per day.

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