Thursday, January 26, 2012

Quotes on Measurement

For the last few years I have presented on the importance of measurement when collecting data and visually transforming it into information.  These quotes span many centuries but capture contemporary ideas related to measurement.  Please visit for more information on Super-Charge Your Charts!  Visually Transform Data Into Information.
Remember to subscribe to the blog.  You can also follow me on Twitter (@DouglasGPratt).

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Convert PowerPoint to WMV

This video shows you how to convert a PowerPoint (PPT or PPTX) presentation to a Windows Media Video (WMV) file. The animations, transitions, and narration are included in the video file.

Once you have a video you can upload to YouTube, e-mail to others, or keep on your mobile device. 

If you convert a presentation let me know how it turns out.  Remember to subscribe to the blog.  You can also follow me on Twitter (@DouglasGPratt).

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Make Geographic Data Visual

Displaying data in a table can make it challenging to read.  Even when arranged clearly, a table is best for details while a chart is better to provide the big picture. My tongue-in-cheek recommendation is that you should bury bad news in a table and display good news in a chart!  It is difficult to see trends in a table.

The example below uses a schedule of GOP primaries to demonstrate how powerful of a visual display.  I knew that my state (Tennessee) was one of the later primaries, but could not remember when it was scheduled.  When I came across the primary schedule, I immediately felt that the site needed a visual display of the information.

I used I searched "US map" to locate and download a blank map.  I imported the map into Microsoft Paint and used the fill tool to add the appropriate colors to the states.  Finally, I added a legend to help orient viewers to the color scheme.

Blank US Map downloaded from

Finished Map

It only takes a little effort to visually transform data into information.