Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Ultimate Video Bundle - App Review

The Ultimate Video Tools bundle consists of several utility apps to assist with converting images and GIFs to video formats. Most of the apps offer the ability to use music from previews on iTunes.

Frequently while searching for apps in the iOS App Store I come across multiple apps from the same developer which are bundled together. Usually these bundles cost less than the total price of purchasing each app individually. However, like music albums, sometimes there are only one or two great hits in a bundle

The Ultimate Video Tools bundle is one that includes eight useful apps. I discovered this bundle while searching for an app to convert GIFs to video. The apps I have used are described below.


  • The audio tool has three options for modifying the audio for videos:
  • Add audio - This option is probably the one I will use most, as it is an easy way to add music to an existing video.
  • Remove audio - This option lets you easily remove existing audio (such as ambient noise) from a video.
  • Extract audio - Use this option if you wanted to utilize only the audio from a video (either in a different video or to upload to SoundCloud or iTunes).

With the AudioTool app you can add music from the preview selections (usually around 30 seconds) in iTunes.


Designed for creating video to upload to Instagram, you can record a video on the fly or upload an existing video. There are a variety of frames, filters, and the ability to trim videos. An advantage of InstaCapture over the Instagram uploader is that you can add music using iTunes Preview.


A GIF is a small video file that continually repeats. For some reason, GIFs appear as pictures on the iOS (iPhone and iPad) camera roll, but otherwise will play on the iPhone (from DropBox, Safari, etc.). The basic steps are:
  1. Select a GIF (or existing video)
  2. Trim the length
  3. Adjust the crop dimensions (square, 4x3, 16x9, etc.)
  4. Choose an output size (original, 2/3, 1/2, 1/4)


With the iPhone 6 and 6S the camera will record up to 3 seconds of video from before and after an image is taken. While Facebook and a few other sites are starting to provide options to upload live photos, this app allows you to extract the live portion of the photo and convert it into a short video.

Ani Show

This app allows you to create a quick slide show to share on social media sites. Several options exist for transitions between images, and the transition speed can be adjusted (the overall time is adjusted which is then distributed equally among the images). You can also incorporate music from iTunes previews.

Demo video

This video is a compilation of projects I created using these apps. If you need some basic tools to manipulate images, GIFs, and videos, this bundle is worth $4.99US.

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