Friday, October 2, 2015

More Mental Jogging Prompts

Last year I shared my review of Mental Jogging by Reid J. Daitzman. The  book consists of 365 prompts to stimulate your creativity. Below are ten prompts. These are great to think about while commuting and at parties.

  1. Eight or more reasons why you shouldn't drop out of school.
  2. Six or more nice things about the person to your right.
  3. Seven or more ways you can tell a dog from a cat without seeing one.
  4. Eight or more reasons why rainbows cannot be seen at night.
  5. Seven or more things never to say to a dentist.
  6. Six or more ways to eat dinner without utensils.
  7. Seven or more ways how not to attract other men.
  8. Eight or more reasons for not becoming a United States Sentator.
  9. Six or more reasons for not owning a calendar.
  10. Seven or more rules of soccer if there were two goalies in each goal.

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