Many infopreneurs use e-newsletters and other give-aways as a mechanism to obtain your e-mail address. I have joined so many different lists, which lead to other lists, that I can't even tell you how I came to subscribe to some the e-newsletters listed below.
Whatever your interests, I encourage you to continually learn by subscribing to e-newsletters, reading blogs, and attending an occasional webinar.
Go For No
The authors of the book, Go For No, advocate a paradigm that more customers rejecting your product or service simply means the likelihood is increased that a few will accept what you offer. For example, if you prospect to five potential customers but only one buys, you've gained one customer. However, if you prospect to 500 potential customers and only 100 buy (the same percentage) your business will experience accelerated growth.
Jane Atkinson’s Wealthy Speaker University
This author, training, and coach focuses on helping people become professional speakers.
Writer’s Digest Editor Blogs
The Writer’s Dig – Brian Klems
Writer's Digest magazine offers several different blogs, which can be subscribed to. This particular one usually has 3-4 articles related to the craft of writing.
Robert McKee – Story
Robert McKee is well known for his story seminar, which he conducts several times a year for aspiring authors and screenwriters. He also offers a version of his seminar for business professionals who can use narrative as a sales tool. The e-newsletter consists of a video where a conference attendee asks a question and McKee provides an answer in 3-5 minutes.
Shift-it Coach
Christina Merkley is both a graphic facilitator and life coach. Graphic facilitation consists of someone drawing visual notes of a conference or meeting. The notes are typically drawn on large pieces of paper, like 4 feet by 8 feet, so that all in attendance can follow the progress and contribute to the meeting. In this e-newsletter Christina provides tips for graphic facilitators and her perspective on navigating life.
Jeanette Maw’s Good Vibe Blog
I don't subscribe to the universe as an entity waiting to return to you whatever you desire. However, there is no question that a positive outlook on life improves how you live and interact with others. This blog, received as an e-newsletter, occasionally has something of interest to me.
Canva Design School
Canva is an art design tool primarily used to create inspirational quotes arranged in an attractive way. It is available online as well as in app versions. The design school provides basic instruction on graphic design as well as tutorials on how to use the Canva tool. Most of the e-newsletters feature excellent examples of design from print and online sources.
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